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Managed to have such an interesting idea of a fire station some time ago, and built this in two weeks, the fastest building I have done so far. The new fire brigade starts from the distinctive feature of the big gates for fire trucks. The bays extends up into the second storey, while the walls seem to grow over the outer walls. Inside, you have everything a normal fire station would have: parking bays and equipment racks on the ground floor; pantry, resting room and toilet on the top. There is even a ping-pong table for the firemen!

One of the play features here is the light. I put the red light brick at the corner and so when there is alarm, you can light it up and thefiremen will be ready to go!

The upper floor is the living quarter for the firemen. You will find a toilet with shower, pantry, gathering table and a table-tennis table! That table took more than 2 days to complete!